Friday, January 29, 2010

Gameshark For Light Platinum


Experience Hendrix LLC and Legacy Recordings (Sony) will launch on March 9 JIMI HENDRIX Catalog Project with "Valleys of Neptune, "a new album consisting of 12 unreleased studio, with more than 60 minutes of music signed by the great artist never available before.
You can hear the song here:

Full Tracklist:

"Stone Free"
Recorded: Record Plant, New York, April 7, 9 , 14, May 17.1969
Producer: Jimi Hendrix
Vocal, Guitar: Jimi Hendrix
Bass: Billy Cox
Drums: Mitch Mitchell
Backing Vocals: Roger Chapman, Andy Fairweather Low
Valleys Of Neptune
Recorded: Record Plant, New York, September 23, 1969, May 15, 1970
Producer: Jimi Hendrix
Vocal, Guitar: Jimi Hendrix
Drums: Mitch Mitchell
Bass: Billy Cox
Percussion: Juma Sultan

"Bleeding Heart"
Recorded: Record Plant, New York, April 24, 1969
Producer: Jimi Hendrix
Vocal, Guitar: Jimi Hendrix
Bass: Billy Cox
Drums: Rocky Isaac
Tambourine: Chris Grimes
Maracas: Al Marks

"Hear My Train A Comin'"
Recorded: Record Plant, New York, April 7, 1969
Producer: Jimi Hendrix
Vocal, Guitar: Jimi Hendrix
Bass: Noel Redding
Drums: Mitch Mitchell

"Mr. Bad Luck"
Recorded: Olympic Studios, London, May 5, 1967
Producer: Chas Chandler
Additional bass and drum recording, Air Studios, London, June 5, 1987
Vocal, Guitar: Jimi Hendrix
Bass: Noel Redding
Drums: Mitch Mitchell

"Sunshine Of Your Love"
Recorded: Olympic Studios, London, February 16, 1969
Producer: Jimi Hendrix
Guitar: Jimi Hendrix
Bass: Noel Redding
Drums: Mitch Mitchell
Percussion: Rocki Dzidzornu

"Lover Man"
Recorded: Olympic Studios, London, February 16, 1969
Producer: Jimi Hendrix
Vocal, Guitar: Jimi Hendrix
Bass: Noel Redding
Drums: Mitch Mitchell

"Ships Passing Through The Night"
Recorded: Record Plant, New York, April 14, 1969
Producer: Jimi Hendrix
Guitar, Vocals: Jimi Hendrix
Bass: Noel Redding
Drums: Mitch Mitchell

Recorded: Olympic Studios, London, February 17, 1969
Producer: Jimi Hendrix
Vocal, Guitar: Jimi Hendrix
Bass, Backing Vocal: Noel Redding
Drums: Mitch Mitchell

"Red House"
Recorded: Olympic Studios, London, February 17, 1969
Producer: Jimi Hendrix
Vocal, Guitar: Jimi Hendrix
Bass: Noel Redding
Drums: Mitch Mitchell

"Lullaby For The Summer"
Recorded: Record Plant, New York, April 7,
1969 Producer: Jimi Hendrix

Mixed By Eddie Kramer Guitar: Jimi Hendrix
Bass: Noel Redding
Drums: Mitch Mitchell

"Crying Blue Rain"
Recorded: Olympic Studios, London, February 16, 1969
Producer: Jimi Hendrix Additional
drum and bass recording, Air Studios, London, June 5, 1987
Vocal, Guitar: Jimi Hendrix
Percussion: Rocki Dzidzornu
Bass: Noel Redding
Drums: Mitch Mitchell

SOURCE: Metalitalia

Thursday, January 28, 2010

Mixed Wrestling Nylon

What's happening?

This is the first Thursday after months without a new post that tells the universe to readers to see the stars ... we're all a bit 'busy, but will return soon ... and new projects in mind!
Stay tuned ...

Friday, January 22, 2010

New Specialized Fox Brain Fade Broken


's radio-nuclear image of the heart is based sullarivelazione traciante the signals emitted by a radioactive that is injected, is taken up by the myocardium.
It allows to assess, using different radiopharmaceuticals and different modes of stove, various morphological and functional aspects of the heart:
  • substances that mark the mass of blood -> studies of ventricular function, shunts, regurgitation;
  • substances that are located on muscle infarction in proportion to the flow and cellular integrity, indicating the disease areas as areas "cold" (negative indicator) -> Diagnosis of ischemia, injury, vitality;
  • metabolic substances that are not picked up by the cells when their metabolism is reduced or inadequate perfuzione substances that accumulate in cells that use an anaerobic metabolism (18FDG, 13NH3). -> studies of the myocardium, hibernating, stunned.

Sintigrafia myocardial perfusion or miocardioscintigrafia

myocardial perfusion scintigraphy is widely used in daily assessment of patients with suspected or known coronary artery disease.

Combined effort has proven to increase diagnostic sensitivity and specificity 's ECG.

Pincipi methodological

Most radiolabelled used for this method are similar monovalent cation potassium. The first to be used around 1973, to demonstrate perfusion defects induced by stress, were the 43K and 81Rb.

dek limits of 43K and 81Rb were the high energy of the first, the second emission tomography and its short half-life of both. They were then abandoned and completely replaced by 201Tl too similar monovalent cation potassium.

The 201Tl injected once, is picked up by myocardium in proportion to the flow, alal cell integrity and the regional pool of potassium (2% delal dose at rest and during exercise 5-6%). The entry of monovalent cations in cardiac miocellule attivom essentially is a complex phenomenon that requires the intervention of the exchange system sodium-potassium ATPase dependent.

A reduction of flow in one area or anatomical or functional alteration of membrane transport system, a lack of adequate energy-producing or failure to use the same cellular energy lead to a reduced caotazione the radiocompound.

The 201Tl over other radioisotopes had other previous the following advantages:

  • a peak emission energy range between 135 to 167 keV and X-rays between 68 and 80 keV, which makes it usable with standard gamma camera with high resolution collimators for low energy;
  • rapid uptake by myocardial cells that extract from the blood after injection, making it possible to highlight consizioni as temporary ischemia on exertion;
  • little accumulation in the abdominal organs under stress not a problem that background, that could ostaciolare image interpretation;
  • accumulation in myocardial cells is not affected by drugs such as digital, propranolol, furosemide.

And the following disadvantages:

  • the low energy that sometimes makes the whole image blurry especially in areas where it undergoes the attenuation of bodies stacked as the diaphragm and above the breast;
  • the half-life of 73h, which prevents the repeated use short;
  • the high cost and not always helpful in the centers of Nuclear Medicine.
  • a non-negligible radiation component X.

Immediately after the injection radiotallio cien picked up by the myocardium in proportion to reionale blood flow and extraction fraction, which is defined as the amount that is extracted from the blood proveiente the first pass from the heart. It varies in a range between 85% and 90%. Acidosis and hypoxia are able to reduce the ejection fraction of thallium.

linear The reaction between thallium uptake and flow is maintained under conditions of increased oxygen demand and dostribuzione radiocompound of the ventricle is homogenous stress in patients with normal coronary although for high levels of flow, as a maximum effort, the extraction fraction undergoes a decrease in proportion. If there are blockages in the coronary artery for coronary flow reserve, ie, the ability to increase the flow downstream of the stenosis is impaired, shows an uneven distribution of thallium, which reflects the disproportion between the increase of flow induced stress in healthy areas and dallla the failure to increase the areas of distribution of coronary obstruction.

Once Thallium has been picked up by the myocardium of a characteristic phenomenon occurs CEH is said to redistribution and that is, within a few minutes dll'iniezione (4-5 ') the radiotalliocomincia to move through the different compartments (blood-myocardium - other districts) tend to rebalance concentrations. In this way, portions of myocardial tissue that received the least share of Thallium to give blood and tissue that it has received at least until reaching an equilibrium concentration. Within 3-4 hours this phenomenon of redistribution generally is completed so that the scintigraphic image, obtained at this time can be regarded as the baseline.

In terms of exercise hyperemia concentration of thallium in the myocardium is greater than in normally perfused blood and this gradient forms the basis for a migration of compoeto blood from the heart. This cleaning mechanism where there is reduced flow reduction, as the areas of hypoperfused myocardium do not receive high flow nor the concentration of thallium, and so the gradient between Thallium miocadio hypoperfused and blood is lower than in the rest of the myocardium. For this assumption the ischemic areas, which have reduced uptake in early images after standardization effort have ridistribuzioneo Itard images, while areas of necrosis, which are not enlarge the uptake of Thallium neanceh belatedly, have also ipocaptanti or absent uptake both early and late after that effort.

The Isonitrili of 99mTc

are complex cations are distributed as thallium, are less expensive, can be used in the kits always disponibiliattingendo Mo-99m Tc generator, and for their more energy, suffer less attenuation of the soft parts (breast, etc. ..).

99mTc MIBI or sestamibi is the prototype of these radiolabelled. it enters the cell cytosol by passive diffusion under a concentration gradient dependent flow, which does not require the intervention of the mechanism of transportation of membrane ATPase employee.

99mTc MIBI does not present the phenomenon delal redistribution. Once injected it is outsourced in the myocardium where it remains fixed freezing the image, which does not change until the disappearance of the tracer. For this reason, to compare images with those of baseline stress, you need to inject another dose of 99mTc MIBI. recently because of the short half-life of 99mTc permits (6 hours), was introduced a protocol that provides the baseline control throughout the day to avoid discomfort to the patient to return for a second time (single day).

SPET In assessing the heart based on the short axis, the axis and along the horizontal axis.

The pathological

consist of fixing defects in myocardial radiocompound of which may be reversible or irreversible and location in the three standards and projections related coronary concerned alal . Uptake defects in the septum and anterior wall delal ogeneralmente are due to obstruction of the anterior interventricular artery (IVA), defects of the posterior wall of the right coronary or lower alal (C.dx) or circumflex (CFX), posterior wall defects circonflessaCfx the side. The isolated defects of the apex although that is sprayed from multiple vessels, usually indicate an involvement of the CFX. A lack of uptake of the free wall of the RV was descrittocome segnno prossimaledelal right coronary artery stenosis.


It is shown that there are areas of myocardium severely and chronically ipopperfuse ( hibernating myocardium) and other long hypoperfused after vasoconstrictor stimuli such as stress (myocardial stunned), which are able to develop only a minimal metabolic activity, just enough for their survival but inadequate to ensure the movement of contractile or membrane-active phenomena. In both cases it is viable myocardium. In fact stunned myocardium and hibernating are two conditions which have different pathophysiology as a basis of viable myocardium and representing, respectively, acute and chronic adaptations to myocardial ischemic conditions. my cardio stunned (stunned ) is a mechanical dysfunction that persists for hours or days after brief ischemia, spontaneously reversible, but serious, caused dallariperfusione post ischemia. The hibernating myocardium ( iberned ) is a condition of silent hypoperfusion blood, of indefinite duration, which is determined during ischemia, a kind of adaptation to the reduced availability of oxygen Reduced labor ocontrattile, reversible with the restoration of Article dek blood flow with bypass, PTCA or medication.

Metabolic Tracer

the existence of common areas of viable myocardium, but strongly ischemic, Enlarged to maintain only a minimal metabolic activity (hibernating myocardium), but akinetic and incapable of active functions of the membrane, requiring the use of specific methods for their detection and to demonstrate, by now acquired the myocardium of this type is able to recover contractility and metabolic activity, if successfully revascularized. Inadequate myocardial perfusion of a district, is called effort to hear discrepancy between demand and supply of O2, is due to a reduction in primary flow for vasospasm, causing a string of metabolic effects of nature, mechanical, clinical.

using metabolic tracers day you can evaluate myocardial metabolic changes that occur in the tissues downstream of the blocked coronary artery. For these studies can be used to detect gamma-camera scintigraphy with SPET investigations or performing with PET with positron-labeled metabolic substrates.

PET methodological principles

The myocardium in normal conditions of oxygenation used preferentially as substrate metabolism, free fatty acids, you fall in hypoxia, glucose becomes the main metabolic source. If there is low intake of O2 jams meccanismoossidativo the free fatty acids, which accumulate within cells as triglycerides, while the concentration of glucose available, resulting in part from the increased cleavage of glicogenoed in part by increased uptake exogenous glycogen. Although in this way has increased the amount of glicolisianaerobia the accumulation of hydrogen ions to inhibit the ends of key stages regulation of enzyme activity resulting in a lower glucose utilization and decreased production of metabolic energy. If the supply of O2 is restored, as happens in the next step transient ischemia, before they produce a necrotic damage, glucose utilization remains high for a variable period and the oxidation of free fatty acids decreases. This phenomenon, which in areas of severely hypoperfused myocardium may persist for a long time, even at rest and in complete absence of symptoms, it can be demonstrated by PET for the storage of choice in such a place, similar to the labeled glucose (18FDG ).

icon corresponds to the PET therefore an ideal tool for measuring the regional uptake of deoxyglucose glucosioi by its analogue in the areas of infarction who were forced to change their metabolism in the glycolytic ischemia. To make more precise localization of metabolic phenomena, can be used with the PET tracer positronic also suitable to measure blood flow in order to assess the topographic correspondence between ischemic areas and their metabolic comportamneto. To this were used flow tracers such as 82Rb or 13N-ammonia after intravenous injection. Afetti authors studied patients with unstable angina without evidence of previous myocardial in some of these, while nesun perfusion defect at rest were indications, however, could be demonstrated areas of increased glucose utilization even at a distance from ischemic episodes. The data in these cases indicate the existence of chronic metabolic alterations in loading zones, which undergo repeated episodes of ischemia, or otherwise served by highly stenotic coronary arteries downstream of which is always present ischemia and tissue hypoxia.

Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Ok For Wax When Thrush

Living Planet: ESA takes care of our planet we must tell

One of the main European Space Agency (ESA) has always been the observation of Earth from space . This task is one of the most immediate returns and uses of space exploration to everyday life and began with the first meteorological satellite, Meteosat, in 1977. This was followed the whole series of Meteosat satellites and Envisat, which have helped increase our understanding about the health of the Earth and led to a daily monitoring of climate and environmental changes during these decades.

Our understanding and knowledge of our own planet, in this approach, an invaluable source of data and measurements in addition, with the growth of our knowledge is also required a simultaneous growth of accuracy of the data to analyze and its satellites that collect them. The ESA program "Living Planet" is aimed in this direction. In this program include missions exploration, observation, monitoring and meteorological research of the Earth. There are six missions planned in this category, while three others are under study.

The first two, GOCE and SMOS were launched in 2009, respectively in March and November. GOCE is designed to analyze with accuracy ever achieved, of all the deformations that separate our Earth from a perfect sphere. This also results in valuable information on the model of the gravitational field on Geodesy and physics of the Earth. SMOS, however, is in orbit to collect data about soil moisture and ocean salinity with the aim of improving our understanding of the water cycle and contribute the prediction of climate, including extreme and destructive as tornadoes and hurricanes.

In February 2010 the launch of CryoSat-2. His predecessor, CryoSat-1, has never reached its true orbit due to the explosion of the pitcher in October 2005. The mission will last at least three years and will aim to monitor the slightest change in the thickness of polar ice with an accuracy of centimeters in order to improve our understanding of the impact of climate change. The launch of SWARM in 2011, this mission, unlike all the previous ones, consists of a constellation of three satellites to study the magnetic field and its changes, mirror what is happening beneath the surface of our planet.

The last two ADM-Aeolus and EarthCARE missions are planned for 2011 and 2013 and are designed to improve our models for weather forecasts. The first is aimed, in particular, the study of winds and is seen as the first mission of a series dedicated to improving the measurements of atmospheric currents. EarthCARE, however, is a Europe-Japan joint mission to improve our numerical weather models.

We then experiencing a period of study and exploration to better understand, perhaps from a perspective a bit 'more generally, what we have daily before our eyes and take care of home.

Pierpaolo Pergola

In the image above summarizes the main objectives of the Living Planet: The Earth's surface, the processes taking place inside, oceanography and geodesy (ESA). In the picture below right, a photograph of Earth taken from a satellite in orbit around it (NASA).

Can You Take Ibuprofen With Sulfamethoxazole


Interview with Thales Alenia Space, sponsor of the International Year of Astronomy

L 'International Year of Astronomy was a global initiative that has reached 148 countries during the entire duration of 2009, bringing the discoveries and the wonders of this fascinating scientific discipline in the face of the general public. To finance the ambitious project, among other sponsors, are Thales Alenia Space, the Franco-Italian company leader in Europe for satellite systems. At the closing ceremony event, held in Padua a few days ago, we met George Vincent, head of business line, optical observation and science of society.

What led Thales Alenia Space to become one of the three main sponsors of the International Year of Astronomy, along with Celestron, a manufacturer of telescopes and optics, and satellite television channel History?

Our company has always been at the forefront with regard to astronomical research. Over 10 percent of our business, in fact, are devoted to space science. Among the more recent examples of projects in which we participated, we recall the Planck and Herschel satellites , launched in May last and dedicated to the study of the early universe, and the satellite CoRoT , about a year ago announced its first discovery in the quest for planets outside the solar system . Clearly, our part of any project not end with the launch of the satellite, but we are aware that from the point of view of astrophysics, that moment is only the beginning of a long series of exciting new discoveries.

The International Year of Astronomy, however, is not so much an initiative aimed at the scientific community as a range of activities for the dissemination and general awareness to the issues of astronomical research. What prompted Thales Alenia Space to support this project?

Greater awareness of citizens about the ongoing challenges of scientific research results in a greater willingness of the citizens before the investment of resources in those areas. This is vital for scientists and at the same time, represents for us a greater demand as the scientific world turns to us for the development and implementation of advanced technological elements needed to push further and further the goals of research. Once acquired and developed, this technology is available to be used in commercial products, falling back on the population. The list of technological breakthroughs that have been reached only to meet the needs of scientists and which became commonly used is long and includes products of all kinds, including even the materials of baby diapers, originally developed for astronauts in space.

Impact on society apart, what are the astronomical projects in which Thales Alenia Space will be more involved in the near future?

We are directly involved in multiple projects. Among the most spectacular, remember ALMA, an observatory for astronomical observations in the radio waves, composed of more than 60 antennas and is currently under construction in the desert of Chile, and ExoMars, a mission that will land on Mars and will pick up rock samples from the subsoil of "Red Planet" to better understand the composition and find any traces of past life forms and / or present. These projects are very long, often lasting over a decade. But before the satisfaction of the results is always an unforgettable experience.


image, the Planck satellite (left) and Herschel (right), who searches the world's first in the microwave band, the second in the infrared. Launched by ESA in May 2009, are currently operating at a half million miles from Earth. Image and ESA AOES Medialab.

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

My Refrigerator Is Making Noise From Compressor


The German power metallers Gamma-Ray disc release their tenth studio next January 29. The album
group of Hanover was entitled "To the metal" and is the successor of "Land of the Free II" of 2007, record that in Germany and Scandinavia has gotten some feedback on the charts. To "To The Metal" training conducted by Kai Hansen, 46, ex Helloween, recorded twelve new songs, ten are hosted on the album, two more will go in the three other versions. The songs:
' Mother angel '
' No need to cry '
' Empathy '
' To The Metal '
' All you need to know '
' Time to Live '
' Shine forever '
' Breaking Away '. The Gamma Ray
will hold a single date in our country, the band will perform on Feb. 16 at Magazzini Generali in Milan.

Monday, January 18, 2010

Cover Letter Examples Makeup Artist

Thursday, January 21, the third episode of Moshpit 2010.
studio guests: The Vortex.
Jankyll Doctor and Mr. Eddie Neapolitan band together to present a preview of their new album "Twelve degrees of gray" published by the label I MAKE RECORDS Francesco Salerno German (Worm-Robots, da'namaste).
As always bet not to be missed for lovers of real rock and Undergound scene.
We look forward to 21 on the website of Radio Base:
To more info on The Vortex:

Thursday, January 14, 2010

Explicit Movie Scenes Film

Beyond the Year of Astronomy

L 'International Year of Astronomy has reached its conclusion and to celebrate the successes, astronomers and organizers gathered last weekend in Padova. The title of the closing conference, Beyond Astronomy 2009, embodies the hope that the network put together during this long year, made up of scientists, enthusiasts and people of each continent, could spread in the years to come.

It is no coincidence that the conference coincided with the exact anniversary of the first, revolutionary observations by Galileo of Jupiter's moons, the so-called Medici Lune, on or after January 7, 1610. In the same courtroom where Galileo, four centuries ago, had taught mathematics and physics in what was the freest university institution Italian side, were presented the most innovative and original initiatives of this project which saw 148 nations of the Earth involved in organizing events to raise public awareness to the rediscovery of the sky.

The lessons learned were many, and most of the projects, both globally and locally, under the able to continue in an unchanged or slightly different. One of the aims was to promote the Year of Astronomy astronomy in developing countries, using it as a means of motivation to study for young people but also to facilitate the teaching in schools and academia. Contributions leaders of the initiative in countries like Mozambique, Honduras, Egypt, India have shown that, with great dedication and (unfortunately) very limited funds, it was possible to achieve several significant results.

To maintain an extended network as well, perhaps one of the largest in the world in science communication, it takes constant effort and economic resources. But let dissolve the fruits of labor sown during 2009 is not on the agenda. "Hopefully we never have to hold closing ceremonies in the future," jokes Thomas Maccararo, president of the National Institute of Astrophysics, during his speech, hoping that it is only a year, but "Millennium Astronomy".


picture, one of the two original telescopes used by Galileo, presented at the conference in Padova Astronomy 2009 and Beyond usually kept at the Museum of the History of Science in Florence.

Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Cloudy Smelly Urine For Days

THE VORTEX The Vortex: The new album is titled "TWELVE DEGREES OF GREY"

the new album from The Vortex
"Twelve Degrees of Gray "
the Neapolitan trio, the cutting edge of the rock scene
signed his long-awaited return to the Full-Length,
churning out twelve songs that are
photographs of a microcosm of gray.
Artistic production is entrusted to Francesco
German (Da'Namaste, Worm-Robots, Alibi)
that his trademark symbol with the project.


Label: I Make
Records Release Date: January 22, 2010

I make records is proud to present the new album of The Vortex. Twelve Degrees Of Gray In the Neapolitan trio signed his long-awaited return, after its debut in 2003 with The Things To Do, released by Wildflower / Ethnoworld distributed and Venus, and the following paradigms of detachment, self-produced EP in 2006.
The Vortex, the cutting edge of the bell-rock scene, the newly formed label entrusts Salerno's second full length on long distance. Twelve tracks, twelve snapshots of a journey came to a crossroads between black and white are many nuances to be captured in a microcosm of gray. A disc that attempts the perfect combination of text, music and vocal timbre, a writing hard-hitting and full of pictures. Sounds that tell the story of recent years, as in a dark novel in which the guitars, now sharp, now soft, accompany the listener's literary universe Michele De Finis, singer and guitarist of the band. The purity of distorted sounds, the obsessive rhythm and musical maturity to create an atmosphere with high levels emotional and sonic glimpses of melodic expansion.
Artistic production is entrusted to Francesco German (DA'NAMASTE, WORM ~ ROBOTS, alibi) that acronym, with his trademark, a project inspired and absolute value. The distribution is carried out by CNI Music. The output, accompanied from video, which is scheduled for January 2010.

The single structure of the vacuum, with the director, screenplay and editing Francesco Capaldo, is transformed into visual imagery of a blind girl abandoned by her partner that will deprive it of all that remains without her noticing.
The subject was born from the minds of the Jackal, which is also involved in set design, photography and post-production.

The band will tour to promote the album in January 2010.

20/01/2010 @ Punto Radio Novara
21/01/2010 @ Moshpit [RadioBaseAgro] Pagani (SA) - Interview and acoustic set (preview)
01/22/2010 Doria @ Napoli 83 - Introducing New Album
01/22/2010 @ Radio Koper
01/30/2010 @ Shakti Club Pomigliano D'Arco (NA)
03/06/2010 @ Kingston Caserta (CE)
19-03 - 2010 @ 10/04/2010 @ Mamamu
Mmb Naples Naples / ilvortice


Friday, January 8, 2010

Muscle Spasm Face Stroke


I Borknagar have announced, via the Norwegian label Indie Recordings, the album cover and tracklist of the new album 'Universal' which will be released February 22 2010.
Tracklist: 1
. Havoc
2. Reason
3. The Stir of Seasons
4. For a Thousand Years to Come
5. Abrasion Tide
6. Fleshflower
7. Worldwide
8. My Domain (featuring guestvocals by ICS Vortex)


Spasm On Side Of Face


To all lovers of folk / rock and the atmosphere of South of the world, I recommend reading the review of the debut album from Joe Petrosino "Rockammoora.
This is the link:
Enjoy it!

Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Whole Piece Swimsuits

Five new worlds uninhabitable

Here are the first planets discovered by Kepler satellite

Kepler The satellite, launched by NASA in March 2009, began to bear fruit. The heads of the space mission, seeking planets outside our Solar System , have announced the first discovered last Monday at the annual meeting of the American Astronomical Society, held recently in Washington.

Five new planets orbiting distant stars 100 light years from our Sun, have been identified during the first months of observations made by Kepler, and should thus be added to the ranks of extra-solar planets already discovered so far, which amounts to over 400. This progress, achieved only in the last 15 years, astronomers can better understand how planets and planetary systems like ours, are formed around stars.

The new worlds discovered by Kepler are very different from our planet: they are much larger and very hottest of the Earth. Four of them are even larger than Jupiter, the largest of the planets at the court of the Sun, and only one of them is slightly smaller, closer in size to another giant of the Solar System, Neptune.
Because of their high temperatures of over 1200 degrees, to assume that these planets harboring life forms type "earth" is virtually impossible. The purpose of the Kepler mission is more ambitious, however: in the next three years of observations it is likely that astronomers are able to detect any planets similar to ours, in some corner of our galaxy.

The fact that the first planets discovered to be the Giants is a "disadvantage" of the method used to find them. In fact, Kepler uses the technique known as "transit" when a planet passes in front of the star around which it rotates, it becomes obviously less bright, because its light is obscured by the planet. Looking at hundreds of thousands of stars for a long time, astronomers study how their brightness varies and so can detect the presence of one or more planets around them.

longer a planet, the greater will be its marked darkening of star and, therefore, easier discovery. But size is not everything, even the distance from the star is very important. All these worlds are very close to their sun, and to make a full orbit around it only takes a few days, in comparison, the Earth takes one year, and Mercury, the closest planet to our Sun, it takes approximately three months for complete a so-called revolution.

The proximity of these planets to their host star is yet another factor that facilitates the discovery, orbiting around it so fast, the obscure quite often, so it is very likely that the darkening is noticed by astronomers in time observation compatible with those rights. A planet that take months or years to complete one orbit around its star is rather elusive, but not entirely impossible to detect.

"It's just a matter of time," said Jon Morse, director of the Astrophysics Division at NASA Headquarters in Washington. "Future observations with Kepler will find planets with orbits larger and larger until they finally find an analogue of the Earth."

Discovering planets located at distances of "reasonable" by the star around which they orbit is a crucial step in search of other worlds that they could theoretically accommodate life forms. The so-called "habitable zone" defines the exact distance, around a star where the temperature is enough to guarantee the existence of liquid water on the surface of a planet. For our sun, this distance corresponds to the orbit of the Earth: the farther or closer, and the life "as we know it" would not have been possible.

None of the 400 planets discovered so far is in the "habitable zone" of its star, but astronomers are confident in Kepler and hope that someone will be able to identify in the next few years. But the question of the existence life in the universe does not end in the search for life forms similar to those on our planet. "In other parts of this universe, it is easy to achieve, there is all that I still can not imagine," sang Bluvertigo a decade ago. Let us surprise dall'inimmaginabile.


In the top, the five new planets discovered by Kepler satellite, and their size, compared with those of Jupiter and the Earth below, a one rappresenzatione Art of five new worlds uninhabitable. Source: NASA / JPL-Caltech / T. Pyle (SSC)

Tuesday, January 5, 2010

A Pictur Of What Strep Throat Looks Like

'moshpit January 7 BACK WITH MALATJA

Beat the holiday season back on Radio base, moshpit. Doctor and Mister Eddie
Jankyll 2010 to begin the largest with a powerful new Rock Band as a guest. These are
MALATJA, historical Punk / Rock band that Salerno presnterà the new album "48", published a few months.
As always bet amantti must for the true rock and indie music. Thursday, January 7 to 21 more at this link:

Saturday, January 2, 2010

Which Comes First Primer Or Concealer

Keep of Kalessin "Reptilian" COMING SOON!

Norway's Keep of Kalessin made public 'Reptilian' will be the title of their new album album, whose release is planned for early 2010 on Nuclear Blast Records.
Line Up:
Thebon (Torbjørn Schei) - Vocals (2004 -) (Subliritum, Twinsoul, Powdr)
Obsidian Claw (AO Grønbech) - Guitars, Keyboards, Backing Vocals (Headspin, Satyricon)
Wizziac - Bass (2004 -) (Eternal Silence (Nor), Sage, Headspin)
Vyl (Vegard Larsen) - Drums (1995-2000, 2004 -) (Subliritum, Chton, Aptorian Demon, Goat the Head, Headspin, Gorgoroth)