Monday, February 15, 2010

Brazilian Wax Treatment With Baboon

Angiocardioscintigrafia equilibrium - Thin Layer Chromatographic Techniques ACS

The Angiocardioscintigrafia is a technique that studies the cardiovascular system after a radiocompound introduced in the circulation is evenly distributed throughout the vascular space, representing images simultaneously in all chambers of the heart and great vessels. It is based on the use of radiolabelled that persist in circulation for a long time such as albumin or red cells labeled with 99mTc. It rpeferisce mark iin vivo erythrocytes according to the procedure Pavel (1977), iv injection of tin salts (agent stannous Sn-DTPA), in doses of 35.7 micrograms / kg and 20-30 minutes after a dose of 99mTc pertechnetate mCi 25 (925MBq). At about 5 min from the injection of 99mTc pertechnetate obtained Marking the Dek 96% approx. goobuli of circulating red, marcarura that remains stable for about 3 hours. A votla achieved a balanced distribution of the intravascular tracer, provides information on the cyclic changes of intracardiac blood volume for filling (diastole) and emptying (systole) ventricle.
uan In order to obtain suitable counting statistics, plus the counts of many cycles synchronized with each other resulting in the so-called representative cardiac cycle. Still then the computer system of the gamma camera to a physiological signal (ECG R-wave), there is the activity of the heart only in times of the cycle corresponding to the R-phase (early diastole).
synchronization (gating) of all phases du diastolic many cardiac cycles allows you to obtain scintigraphic image, whose resolution depends on the dose administered and the radiocompound the number of cycles added up, ultimately that is the acquisition time data.
Using a high-speed image processor, you can capture a large number of images per cycle. In this way a multi-gated (MUGA - multiple gate) you can get the images not only in systole and diastole, but in all phases of the cardiac cycle. With the MUGA technique is the physiological trigger of the ECG R wave, which marks the beginning of each cycle cmpreso between 2-R later. The computer divided each cycle in 20-30 microintervals of 30 -50 ms to a sum and a large number of images recorded by similar micro intervals of several cardiac cycles.
ACS synchronized equilibrium, based sulal difference in radioactivity between systole and diastole, as an expression of the development of ventricular volume during the cardiac cycle, through the reconstruction of time-activity curves, gives precise indication of overall functionality.
With the same method is also possible to obtain an evaluation visual chambers of the heart, great vessels and their Chinese and global zonal.
With the ACS, and can also be measured accurately and reliably, a parameter delal ventricular function such as ejection fraction FE.
are administered ev mCi (925 MBq) of 99m 30 'after insroduzione in the vein of salts of tin (stannous agent). the investigation is being conducted with computerized gamma camera with a trigger connected to a physiological signal (usually the R wave of ECG). The projection is commonly used the OAS to 45 °. However, it should pay particular attention alal separation of right from the left side of the heart and the separation of the heart from the surrounding organs. You can use a high-resolution collimator. The projection is more informative than the OAS with the head angle of 35-45 degrees, so that the left and right ventricles are completely separated. The collimator during the examination must be kept attached to the chest. The examination requires that each survey acquisition synchronized (gated) with the ECG for several minutes. The acquisition allows you to add a wild series of short intervals of the dynamic phase of contraction. To have intervals (frames) of the RR cycle with a count of adequate Doppler processing must be sufficiently The higher the number of heartbeats acquired.
The number of cycles required varies depending on the FC and the number of frames which divides lìintervallo RR. Uan for certain reliability you need at least 24-32 samples per beat. The aim of all the acquisition technique is to add the cycles of the same duration and therefore are discarded premature beats and no abnormal cycle times compared to an average value of the RR interval.
Data Processing
Data processing sequence provides an overview of moving images represented on the screen in a continuous loop, where you can evidenzialre changes in cardiac chambers, ventricular wall motion, size and pulsatility of the limbs and large vessels. Then proceed to the construction of curve activity / time, obtained from atrial and ventricular ROI, after subtracting the background radioactivity of circulating surrounding structures, which express the development of ventricular volumes throughout the cardiac cycle. From these curves are obtained uan series of quantitative data and build functional images (parametric).
reliable quantitative data are
  1. ejection fraction (EF), left and right ventricular;
  2. top speed of emptying (peak emptying rate - PER);
  3. the speed of filling (peak filling rate - PFR);
  4. the time between the PFR and diastole (time of peak filling rate - TPRF)
  5. the sininstro diastolic ventricular volumes (end diastolic volume - EDV), and remote systolic left (end sistolic volume-EDV);
  6. stroke volume (stroke volume - SV).

quantitative parameters

Table I.

  • ejection fraction (EF) right ventricular. 62% ds. 52%
  • Maximum discharge (FOR)> 4 vol / diastolic / sec
  • speed filling (PFR)> 2.5 vol / diastolic / sec
  • time between telesistolee PFR (TPFR ) <>
  • since end-diastolic volume (EDV)
  • since end-systolic volume (ESV)
  • stroke volume (SV)
  • ventricular stroke volume ratio ds / sn: 1
  • fraction regurgitation: 1 to 1.3

Ejection fraction (EF)

The most important is the FE obtainable by ACS. It is calculated using the formula: diastolic

counting - counting systolic / diastolic count

correct for background subtraction.

The most reliable method uses a semi-automatic operator-assisted, which identifies the edge of the left ventricle throughout the cardiac cycle in projection OAS (Oblliqua front left).

speed evacuation and riempiment0 (PER-PFR)

The speed of emptying and filling expresses changes in ventricular volume over time. The values \u200b\u200bobtained are expressed in diastolic volume per second (EDV / sec). For the speed of emptying (PER). Normal values \u200b\u200bare greater than 3 EDV / sec, the speed of filling (PFR) is greater than 2.5 EDV / sec. They reflect the capacity of ventricular relaxation, are particularly affected by the frequency and measure the diastolic function (Table I). To obtain more accurate oparametri using the ratio PER / PFR.

ventricular volumes and stroke volume

Hypocrite in a 'balance-way ACS is proportionality between the counts measured in the cardiac chambers and volumes. In fact it leads to a reduction self-absorption of radiation emitted by tissue together with an increase of diffuse radiation in the surrounding tissues. This variability should be taken into account. The method currently used for the measurement of left ventricular volumes is based on the counting of strokes, regardless of any consideration and geometric analysis:

Activities Ventricular Volume = sin / No cardiac cycles * (time / frame) * activities

blood counts obtained by measuring the volume of a given frame, usually the left end-diastolic (EDV) is correct for the time of acquisition of that frame and the activity of a blood sample of known volume.

Constant (K) is obtained an average factor of attenuation correction and a correction introduced obtain average attenuation, although sometimes, with the variation of body morphology as with subjects very fat or very thin or in case of ventricular size significantly increased the possibility of error rises . The left end-diastolic volume (EDV) measured this way correlates well with that calculated by ventriculography. From

diastolic volume and the FE you get the end-systolic volume (end sistolic volume - ESV) and stroke volume (stroke volume - SV).

regurgitant fraction

The relationship between the counts left ventricle / right ventricle or difference between the count range of left and right ventricular counts as a percentage of the left ventricle can be used for calculating the amount of regurgitation. This number is close to 1 in the absence of irigurgiti left but can arrivarea to 5 in case of aortic or mitral regurgitation. The data provided with this metodicasi correlate quite well with those obtained from a wild and qualitative evaluation of ventriculography with those calculated quantitatively by the method of Fick. The limit of this method lies in the frequent overlap of the atrium and right ventricle that can lead to errors of evaluation such as an overestimation of the regurgitant fraction.

flow ventricular left

is determined by multiplying the FE with CF and end-diastolic volume. The relationship between stroke volume of the two ventricles (stroke count ratio) is obtained by comparing the stroke volume of left and right ventricle, which under normal conditions is equal to 1.

Motility regional

Summing up the computer with the individual images from different cardiac cycles, you get a wild sharp image, the total of any phase of the cycle and you can see the changes to quality of the heart chambers. For a more accurate assessment of various quantitative methods have been proposed, in which the end-diastolic frame ventricle was divided into anterior oblique projection in different regions. The criterion is more valid than the radial regions. Identified a ventricular heart, usually center of gravity, are plotted areas of interest (ROI) using the edges in the shape of circular sectors. You typically use 4-5 sectors. Changes in the count during the cardiac cycle, for volume changes within each region are used to calculate the FE region. It 'still relevant simple assessment of visual images on display.

Images parametric

angioscintigrafica The computer divides the image into small squares (pixels) and assess the progress of the counts in the series of images characteristic curves with the development of cardiac structures examined. nellanalisi curves flat bottom, curved sinusoidal areas with ventricolaricurve opposite trend to that atrial and ventricular areas in the aortic-pulmonary.

For each computer calculates dopoaver performed the fitting of the same, the phase angle and the amplitude of variation these two parameters and builds functional images. Pixels with the same parameters are the same color, changes in parameters are expressed with different colors. Higher values \u200b\u200bare represented by red and then with the yellow, green, blue values \u200b\u200bprogressivamentepiù low.

The amplitude of the curve of ventricular volumes - parametric image amppiezza - provides information on the synergy of contraction, and hypokinetic areas have a cooler color, green or blue, or red expressing Valloria max amplitude. Curves with the same trend of the phase synchronism of contraction and expressed with the same color, while alterations of segmental timing appear as areas of different color.

The computer can also express the image phase parameters, as well as with different colors, including a diagram of the distribution phase in siongoli pixels. The diagram consists of specified peak in the number of pixels and the abscissa the degree of phase. normally the highest peak corresponds to the symmetrical and the ventricles, the lower courts to separate from the first.

the ordinary

The picture shows the normal ventricular cavity as areas of radioactivity with a well-defined contours, a clear separation from the septum and normal Chinese and uniform in color parametric images of amplitude and phase. At rest, the FE of the left ventricle is usually considered around 62%. The left ventricular EF contituisce parameter ventricular function more reliable and reproducible methodological variations contained within acceptable margins of error.

Friday, February 12, 2010

Gay Mumbai Cruising Area


Thursday, February 11, 2010

Sanitary Napkins Disposal Cartoon

Live universe

Lands of Heaven: a planet covered by a webcast unpublished

Next Saturday, February 13, 2009, the extra-solar planet XO-3b transits in front of the star around which it rotates. The phenomenon itself is not anything spectacular, as the planet in question completes a full orbit of its parent star in less than four days. On our planet, however, the event will be accompanied by disclosure of an initiative without precedent: for the first time ever, a professional telescope will observe the transit of the planet and broadcast live on the web.

The project is called "Land of the Sky" and borrows its name from the title of a book by Camille Flammarion, astronomer and popularizer French lived at the turn of the nineteenth and twentieth century. Obviously, the "land" or planets, referred to by Flammarion in 1877 were those that revolve around the Sun, the only known at the time. Only in 1995, in fact, dates from the discovery of the first of more than 400 currently known planets orbiting other stars.

Most of the planets belonging to this group, including XO-3b, the protagonist of the event on Saturday, have been detected indirectly, or through observations of the effects they produce on the properties of their parent stars. Because of the huge difference between the amount of light emitted by a star and very little light reflected by a planet, it is extremely difficult to directly observe a planet outside the solar ones immortalized so far can be counted on the fingers of one hand.

The transit technique, highly intuitive, is one of the most effective indirect methods to reveal the existence of a planet around a star: it is based on the fact that, when the planet during its orbit, is interposed between the star and us, it obscures the light. The parent star is thus less bright than usual, the distinctive sign of the presence of one or more planets in his court. Even if Saturday will therefore not be possible to "see" XO-3b as it passes in front of its parent star, you can admire Live the brightness of the star while shooting, and then again increases during the transit of the planet, or what astronomers call a "light curve" for a period of about three hours.

The decision to broadcast live online its light curve, one of the tools actually used by researchers in this field, is particularly happy, because it involves the public in the activity of specific contemporary astronomers, showing that This is certainly a romantics absorbed in the contemplation of the firmament, but modern scientists who, by accounts, analysis and graphs of various kinds, try to understand what happens in the rest of the universe.

The planet XO-3b, discovered in 2007, is very different from Earth, being a gas giant with a mass of about 12 times that of Jupiter, the largest in the Solar System. The star around which orbits, XO-3, is slightly larger than the Sun and is about 850 light-years away in the constellation of the Giraffe, to observe this star, too faint to be visible to the naked eye, it is necessary to obtain a small telescope.

To enable this novel will direct the telescope Ruths Observatory of Brera, Merate, near Milan, with a mirror of 134 cm in diameter, to be joined by even the telescope Observatory of Palermo and many other, smaller amateur telescopes. The event will be broadcast live on the site and will be accompanied by comments and explanations of astronomers in Italian, English and Chinese. Thanks to this international touch, the organizers hope to involve the public in this observation "tour" of the passage of another world in the sky.


In the images, an illustration of the transit of a Jupiter-like planet in front of a star slightly larger than our sun (ESO) and an animation that shows how the curve evolves light of a star during the transit of a planet (

Monday, February 8, 2010

Big Booty A Rio De Janeiro

To determine the radiochemical purity of the following techniques may be used chromatography paper
  • thin layer: TLC, ITLC (technetium radiopharmaceuticals, 111In and 90Y-Zevalin
  • gas chromatography
  • HPLC can identify species that can not otherwise identifiable as antibodies, peptides, etc..

The great success of 99mTc scintigraphy in the investigation is explained mainly due to:

  • production costs acceptable (though we are witnessing today a reorganization planetarium production downward by central technetium Nuclear)
  • or half-life T1 / 2 of approximately 6 hours (6, O22 h)
  • emergy emission peak at 140 keV
  • optimal oxidative status from -1 to +7 with large possibility of manipulation. Little used, however, is the pertechnetate (Tco4) as well as just "milked" from a 99Mo generator.
99mTc, therefore, obtained from the generator, and is in the form of sodium pertechnetate (Tco4) is used for the marking of lyophilized kits containing the molecule to be marked. E 'for the most part added tin chloride (SnCl2) as a reducing agent that brings the 99mTc oxidation state +7 to that required for the marking of the molecule, so by putting like symbols respectively R (reducing) and (W) binding we observe the following reaction:

99mTcO4 + R + L = 99m (L) n

It 'possible that the reaction resulting in a complex dynamic following of all impurities which contribute to hinder, if not to compromise more or less obvious quality scintigraphic investigation. In some rare cases indeed, may be able to attend the diagnostic investigation impossible. Impurities are

  • so-called free technetium Tc (TCo4) that accumulates the salivary glands, thyroid and stomach mainly.
  • Tc reduced, but linked, hydrolyzed passing through the reticuloendothelial system and it is stressed in the liver, spleen etc.
  • denatured molecules labeled with Tc as fragments, polymers, etc..
The chromatographic technique recognized as the most accurate is the HPLC but has tamp long run. E 'therefore necessary to undertake quality control of radiochemical purity of technetium radiopharmaceuticals by TLC (Thin Layer Chromatography) and ITLC (Instant Thin Layer Chromatography). The ITLC TCL differed by only small size of paper plates.

In both cases must be deposited in the 'so-called area origin of the map provided in commercial kits purchased from the company dedicated OMNIA of Urbino, a minimum of a few microliters of the sample, in our case the radiopharmaceutical technetium MDP. On the opposite side of the 'home area that is visible solvent front.
tests require the placement of rate of ca. 10 microliters of sample on a strip radiocromatografica radiopharmaceutical.

on one side of each strip of the test are easily visible from two indelible black lines, a bottom (origin) is the storage area of \u200b\u200bthe commercial sample of radiopharmaceutical and the other, upper (solvent front) the terminal point of the process. A gradient of color shows the advancing solvent front from pole to pole of the strip. A color identifies the different uses of each strip.

E 'by this method can then determine the percentage of free pertechnetate, a radiopharmaceutical perdentuale of marked and the percentage of hydrolyzed-reduced 99mTc. NB

the decision to use the preparation after the test is the responsibility of NM (nuclear medicine).


152-110 :
Nano colloid, colloid Shulfur, MAA DTPA, MDP, HDP , pyrophosphate, Diphosphonate, Gucoheptonate kits.

determining the percentage of free technetium:

  1. Prepare the vial of development (red label) by adding 1 cc of solvent called "Red Acetone.

  2. Apply a strip of chromatographic red drop of about 10 microliters of the sample to be tested below the indelible black posizionatanelal bottom of the strip.

  3. immediately place the test strip into the vial labeled red which contains the previously prepared acetone and allow the event to develop until the solvent front to migrate above the black line is visible nelal the top of the strip.

  4. Remove the strip from the vial and let it dry.

  5. Lay the strip using forceps between two sheets of cellophane.

  6. Observe the plate with the flexible allocation of Cyclone plus Perkin Elmer Company, in light of a view box for one minute so as to eliminate possible traces of past exposure and possible controls that are effective calcellazioni made via quick scan with the Cyclone plus.

  7. Place the sensitive part of the slide on the ground prepared for about ten seconds. so impressed with the manner and place it in the correct Cyclone for scanzione.

  8. Soon will appear on the display of the Cyclone Plus' refers to the radiographic image esposizioini we produce ready to be processed by placing ROI that date will be processed by the program that will display on screen and in print the results.

The species most frequently found in a total of radiopharmaceutical are three:

  1. hydrolyzed 99mTc (I)
  2. free 99mTc pertechnetate (L)
  3. radiopharmaceutical 99mTc-related (R)

checks are often performed for the two objective difficulties in the separation of impurities (I) and (L) from the radiopharmaceutical (R). Considering also that the radiopharmaceutical (R) has a Rf (relative front) differently depending on whether you are using as mobile phase acetone or saline.


E 'can thus calculate the percentage of (I) hydrolyzed 99mTc since this procedure is still at the point of origin where it was placed just before the spot of radiopharmaceutical labeled . The following formula allows us to know the percentage of (I) as just expressed.

I (%) = (I / (R + I + L) * 100)


In the latter case Acetone is used that allows the percentage of so-called calcorare 99mTc pertechnetate that free technetium (L) only compound to migrate instead undergo a stop to the origin is the radiopharmaceutical (R) technetium (I) 99mTc hydrolyzate.
L (%) = (L / (R + I + L) * 100)

It 'now possible to calculate the percentage difference of radiopharmaceutical labeled (R):

R (%) = 100 - I (%) - L (%)



MYOVIEW (99mTc tetrofosmin)

Myoview The product is a radiopharmaceutical for myocardial perfusion study indicated that additional diagnostic tool in the diagnosis and localization of ischemia and / or myocardial infarction. In patients undergoing scintigraphy for the study of myocardial perfusion, ECG-gated SPECT technique can be used to evaluate left ventricular function that is, ejection fraction (EF) and Left-ventricular wall motility.

the initial distribution of 99mTc-tetrafosmina is proportional to the regional coronary blood flow and rapidly cleared after intravenous injection of 66% are removed within 48 hours after injection in the 40% approximately. eliminated for the urine and feces for about the remaining 26%. extraction is approximately 50-65%. The scintigraphic imaging of coronary blood flow is descriptive as well as objectively looks at the time of administration, any changes in the flow can be detected only after a new re-injection.

Implementation of Quality Control (QC)

  1. pay the 35:65 mixture of acetone in dichloro methane tank for chromatography to a height 1 cm and cover to allow the solvent evaporated to reach a balance.
  2. mark a paper strip ITLC / LG with a pencil a 3cm from the bottom, and a pen with indelible ink to mark another line at 15cm from the previous year. The pencil line indicates where the sample must be dopositato color and distance from the line to indicate the position of the ink solvent front at the end of the operation at the end of elution. Biodex In our case, the kit provides all the material including strips of paper already printed the reference areas.
  3. pencil to mark two points of reference to 3cm and 12cm from the source, respectively, equal to Rf to 0.2 and 0.8.
  4. with 1 ml syringe with 22 to 25 August G aplica a sample of about 10 -20 microliters of injectable preparation at 'home of the strip. We need to prevent the stain dries. Place the strip immediately to the chromatography tank and cover. Make sure that the strip does not stick to the sides of the pan. Note that a sample of 10-20 microliters produce a spot diameter of 7-10 mm. It was noted that samples volumetrically minor damage inaccurate values \u200b\u200bof radiochemical purity.
  5. When the solvent reaches the ink line (solvent front), remove the strip from the tank and let dry.
  6. cut the strip into 3 pieces at the marked locations and measure the activity of each unit using suitable counting. In our case we use Cyclone Plus the Perkin Elmer Company it is flexible enough to impress the media that came with the radioactivity emitted from the strip in a manner described further.
  7. Calculate the radiochemical purity using the following formula:

% tetrofosmin (99mTc) = (Attività. centerpiece operations / Total 3 pieces) * 100

Policy Correctness

The pertechnetate (99mTc) free (L) migrates to the top of the strip.

The tetrofosmin radiopharmaceutical (R) (99m) migrates to the center of the strip.

reduced hydrolyzed 99mTc and any hydrophilic complex impurities remain at the bottom to the top of the strip.

material not be used if the radiochemical purity is less than 90%

Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Biggest Shark Caught On Camera


Darkthrone will release a new album, "Circle The Wagons" , April 5 on Peaceville Records.
This is the tracklist:

01. Those Treasures You Will Never befall
02. Running For Borders
03. I Am The Graves Of The 80s
04. Stylized Corpse
05. Circle The Wagons
06. Black Mountain Totem
07. I Am The Working Class
08. Eyes Burst At Dawn
09. Brann Inte Slottet

Nocturno Culto (real name: Ted Skjellum) said on BLABBERMOUTH about the album: "I think now the focus is more heavy metal and rock and roll, really ... that's a style that I love to play guitar. What you see especially on this album because the songs are very heavy metal-oriented. "

Source: Metalitalia
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