Thursday, February 19, 2009

Avril Lavigne Concert Tour

Radiopharmaceuticals and perfusion of "cellularity"

---> (esakìs-2-methoxy-isobutyl isonitrile)
99mTc-tetrofosmin ---> (6,9-bis (ethoxyethyl) - 3)

lipophilic cationic radiopharmaceuticals are capable of creating complex with technetium in reduced state. As the 201Tl hano a predominantly intracellular distribution. LEDU chemical characteristics of these molecules are alal basis of the mechanism of accumulation at the cellular level:

  • lipopfilicità that helps overcome
  • the cell membrane that allows the positive polarity of the molecule inside the cell phone intreppolamento through transmembrane electronegative potential, the more electronegative potential of mitochondria within the cytoplasm compared to explain the preferential accumulation of 99mTc-Sestamibi and 99mTc-tetrofosmin in the mitochondria.
areas of accumulation of these molecules depends on the regional blood flow, the intensity of the ATP-dependent metabolism and the degree of cellularity. the normal distribution of 99mTc-Sestamibi and 99mTc-tetrofosmin is at the level of the glands, thyroid, myocardium , liver, gallbladder, small intestine, colon, kidney, bladder, choroid plexus, skeletal muscle.


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